Kiosks of San Lucas neighborhood
In collaboration with Ana Álvarez and in cooperation with the neighbors of San Lucas, Ciudad de México.
We proposed to transform these security and community participation modules of San Lucas into kiosks for the neighborhood with “walking books”. These walking books were people from the neighborhood and from some other districts of town, ready to share stories and knowledge, and open to be consulted by other neighbors and citizens as well.
We developed three workshops and a public presentation.
This temporal usage of modules was a recreational and collective experiment that offered a proper place for the meeting of the inhabitants and people in transit. An exercise of awareness on otherness, and a chance of creating other relation and con dence dynamics between people who share a common good, being the neighborhood or the town itself. In accordance with the oral tradition, these walking kiosks of books and reviews shared stories with public and created links with them during a weekend. Every day, walking books sparked off several conversations which underlined the unique character of these communications, that involved privacy and physical presence.
The three workshops:
This project invites participation in the creation of an experimental kiosk to transform the streets into meeting places, highlighting connections with various living beings in the city. There was a workshop on alternative narratives and categories, followed by an open laboratory on Saturdays for collaborative construction and experimentation. Additionally, there was a workshop focused on the networks of dependence that sustain life from a feminist perspective, exploring the importance of care and interdependencies. Another workshop addresed the idea of the common good from the local to the metropolitan level, seeking to understand the needs of various sectors and build inclusive community proposals for the city’s public space.