︎︎︎Me at my studio and at work

Dear you, wellcome to this site that exhibit fragments of my art practice. As you will see in my work the relation with the viewer, reader or participant is paramount for me and I have spend quite some time thinking and being playful to find forms and strategies to reach you. Making questions, games, letters, narrations, perceptual experiences or situations to trigger a dialogue with you. I need to say the obvius, making art is a way to try to touch what I dont know yet, or what its unknown. And this is more enjoyable if I can do this in the company of your presence.
Thank you for being here.
The scope of my work is very broad because it is in permanent dialogue with the changing social rhythms, time perceptions and political landscapes. My practice moves between form and politics (how this affects each other), exploring to tie the act of daily drawing to functions and dialogue in the world, with the intent to open a public debate on the issues that matter. In the last year, my work embraces new directions, looking to the field of health and art.
My work manifest in a variety of materials and media in order to avoid exportable recipes working globally, indeed I pay attention to specific localities and conditions of reception that compromises the different modes of research and manifestation: drawing, editing, exhibition-making, printed matter, workshops and diverse forms of collaborations.
For twenty years I have been working constantly with questions around time (notions of time may include: time appropriations, time narrations, history making, time perceptions, rhythm, resting time, pause, non-linear, thick time, etc), politics (from political landscapes in relation to personal stories, to the form of politics and the politics of the form) and drawing (as a language or a writing form, exploring visual grammars in relation with verbal language, etc), questions taken from different perspectives and that were reconfigured along the years. Since I moved to Sweden I have practise field research to propose other narrations of the recent Spanish history, the relations with the workers movement in Sweden and the international solidarity movements. The second leg of my work is base in cooperation and participatory projects exploring nets of care, the intruding body, the city as a stage, and forms of publication in the public space.
Since 2021 my work embraces new directions, looking to the relation between art and wellbeing, and exploring more existential questions.
You can contact me at
You can download my portafolio here
She has recently participated in collective and solo shows at:
Marabouparken Konsthall, (SE)
Krognoshuset, (SE)
Matadero Madrid (ES)
Galeria Arroniz, (MX)
Museumsbygningen (DE)
Casa Encendida, (ES)
Museo Amparo (MX)
Museo del Chopo (MX)
Inter Arts Center (SE)
Casa del Lago (MX)