Meaning and Inner Resonance


With creation as a basis, the participants got to reflect from themselves in a natural environment, explore what is in them when the noise is silenced and what happens in your mind when you meet other people.

The workshop is led by Helena Fernández-Cavada, artist, with support from Ana Maria Bermeo, project manager Art and Health, Konstfrämjandet Skåne.
Participatory Project, Existential Health

Inhale, exhale, resume


The exhibition is part of an ongoing study and focuses mainly on collectives and movements operating in Stockholm during the years of 1938–1955. The exhibition raises questions about the history and potential of political imagery, as well as stories of collective organization, with special focus on the international solidarity movement between Sweden and Spain.

The movements and collectives that the exhibition examine all emerged as reactions to the inaccessible position of art in society, a growing fascism and the acceleration of global capitalism. Today we are experiencing a resurfacing and normalization of fascism and reactionary movements. Moreover, the acceleration of global capitalism has assumed even more violent attributes. Throughout the exhibition, Helena Fernández-Cavada and Sebastian Dahlqvist look towards earlier colleagues, their ambitions and failures to find a common ground where to belong. In an attempt to discern what opportunities, or even responsibilities, are left to those who come after.
Contra Narratives, Exhibition-Making, Notions of Time

Ey you out there in the cold


The exhibition explores our relation with interdependency. When the public arrived the show had been de de-installed, and they could reconstruct the exhibition by looking to the catalogue, the left overs and a box that contained all the drawings.
Contra Narratives, Exhibition-Making, Notions of Time, Publication

A conversation in 60 pages

Helena Fernández-Cavada in Conversation with María Berríos.
Digital print.
Soft cover.
60 pages.
24 x 18 cm.
Print on demand

The edited correspondence and related visual material is presented in a limited edition artist book publication, and the reading open the conversation on the possibility of Spain having a new time zone. One of reclamation after the political and emotional reality of time lost under the Franco dictatorship, one where the current relativity of precarious time in democracy is re-imagined. The discussion will address questions such as how our private lives are affected by political systems of the past and the present, and how we can escape the fascist structures which are emerging—given that within democracy and its institutions a patriarchal relationship between the state and its citizens is still present.

The book was presented as part of the exhibition The stolen hour
Publication, Contra narratives, Notions of time

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The scope of my work is very broad because it is in permanent dialogue with the changing social rhythms, time perceptions and political landscapes.