Meaning and Inner Resonance


With creation as a basis, the participants got to reflect from themselves in a natural environment, explore what is in them when the noise is silenced and what happens in your mind when you meet other people.

The workshop is led by Helena Fernández-Cavada, artist, with support from Ana Maria Bermeo, project manager Art and Health, Konstfrämjandet Skåne.
Participatory Project, Existential Health

There is no reference here to walk without getting lost, unless you know something about the stars.


I hear and feel the wind moving the sand. Otherwise, it is silent here. I can see the dunes moving every second. The footfalls I left in the sand have been erased by the wind, thus there is no trace of how I arrived here. It is time now to let the wind erase, also, the footpaths in my mind.

This performance includes voice and audio-visual elements divided in two stages: First recognizing
that changes are permanent and wondering around the process of letting go. Letting go as an everyday practice, although not easy to accomplish, the intention may be there but things come back again and again, other times we have to let go even if we wish not to. The second part is a collective chorus of voices: my voice, voices recorded over months and the public contribution set an immersive sound environment that brings to awareness what we wish to let go and allow the grief that comes with that process.

Letting go has both a political and existential dimension. On the one hand to relinquish all control as an strategy towards a “non-fascist living”, Michel Foucault’s notion of “art of living counter to all forms of fascism,” including that “in us all… the fascism that causes us to love power, to desire the very thing that dominates and exploits us (…)”. On the other hand, letting go as a pathway of surrender, to abolish the obstacles for a better existential wellbeing.

Existential Health

Performance view at Malmö Konsthall. Paper bag, stones, audio 3d and voice. 

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The scope of my work is very broad because it is in permanent dialogue with the changing social rhythms, time perceptions and political landscapes.